
ぉ123moviesき When Harry Met Sally... Watch Movie

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  1. 1989
  2. 183004 votes
  3. directed by=Rob Reiner
  4. star=Carrie Fisher, Billy Crystal
  5. runtime=95 Min

This is something i want to happen to meXD.


Dvoje starih prijatelja otkrivaju da li muškac i žena mogu biti samo prijatelji Seks uvek uništi prijateljstvo između muškarca i ž tako veruje Hari Berns (Kristal). Zato kada upozna Sali Olbrajt (Rajan) i među njima se razvije snažno prijateljstvo, Hari čvrsto odlučuje da neće dopustiti da privlačnost koju oseća prema Sali uništi njihov, kada jedno veče slabosti završi jutrom punim panike, može li simpatičan par izbeći ostvarivanje Harijevih strahova, i mogu li da ostanu prijatelji i priznati da su možda savršeni jedno za drugo?... Hari (B. Kristal) i Sali (M. Rajan) upoznali su se 1977. na Cikaškom univerzitetu, nakon što su diplomirali. Kako je Salli putovala u Njujork gde će se zaposliti, kao i on, povezla ga je svojim automobilom. On želi da radi kao savetnik specijalizovan za politička pitanja, a ona će biti novinarka. Celim putem raspravljaju samo o jednoj temi: mogu li muškarac i žena da budu prijatelji koji nikad neće pomisliti na polni odnos jedno sa drugim. U Njujorku se pozdrave i ponovo se sretnu nakon pet godina na njujorškom aerodromu. Ona je u vezi sa jednim njegovim poznanikom, a on namerava da se oženi. Ona radi kao novinarka, on je politički savetnik. Za vreme leta opet razgovaraju samo o načelnim pitanjima koja se tiču muško-ženskih odnosa. Ponovo se sretnu za pet godina. Nju je napustio dečko, a njegova žena želi razvod. Sad će početi češće da se sastaju jer shvate da imaju mnogo toga zajedničkog i da su zapravo već prijatelji. No, hoće li se prijateljstvo pretvoriti u ljubav ili će ostati samo prijateljstvo? Ovu zabavnu komediju napisala je poznata njujorška novinarka Nora Efron. Kritičari su se složili da je to brbljava komedija u duhu komedija vudija Alena, no neki su dodali i da je bolja od mnogih Alenovih komedija. Režirao ju je Rob Rajner (r. 1947. ) koji je karijeru počeo kao glumac. Pre ovog režirao je četiri filma od kojih je posebno bio hvaljen Ostani uz mene (1986) snimljen prema pripovetki Stivena Kinga. Nakon Kad je Harry sreo Sally snimio je Mizeri (1990), Nekoliko dobrih ljudi (1992), Američkog predsednika (1995), Duhove Misisipija (1996) i dr.

I love this movie, but disagree with the premise. You can be friends and attracted to each other as long as you can keep it in your pants. Can't do that. like Harry and Sally didn't. then it'll wreck the friendship. Harry ti presento sally watch movie full. I hate this video immensely. In a minute. Harry ti presento sally watch movie 2016. That baby part is still hilarious. Describes a white woman perfectly in Murica. I read the book and couldn't stop laughing +a lot of romance in it,it's a good read. Fist pumped at this ending. I remember back in high school I had to do this scene with another student on stage. I played the role of Harry (Billy Crystal) and I had to watch this scene a million times just to get my lines right. I also had to eat grapes. Lol. It was fun. Love this movie.

Hmmmm what a great Love. Harry ti presento sally watch movie cast. Harry ti presento sally watch movie 2.

That sounded super fake. I wouldn't trust Meryl Streep tho

2:26 Who is the boss? He is the boss. My oh my Jenn pokes through a bikini top AND a T shirt.


Did anyone else think Johnny was kind of a creep? I mean Baby is 17 years old and Johnny has to be like 25! In many states it would be statutory rape! Still love the movie though lol. J.A is. a goddess. Pushing 50 and still looks better than girls half her age. Humble, funny, the right amount of coy, sexy (beyond belief) sweet, cute, intelligent, rich, successful and much more. So in love with her. Harry ti presento sally watch movie trailer. Couldn't make a move like this nowadays. she'd be labeled a stalker. plus nobody would just pick up a random backpack and look through it anymore. security would be called and so would a bomb squad.

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Harry ti presento sally watch movie list. This has got to be the dumbest theory on When Harry Met Sally that I ever saw, and ever will see again. That, I'm sure of. She played marvelous roll in My Fair Lady and I can remember for ever. God bless her. Aum Namah shivaya. Please do Nick Jr vs Disney Junior. My real love Hugh ♥. Don't you dare remake this film! Oh. Took 'em long enough. Harry ti presento sally watch movie hd. Harry ti presento sally watch movie video. Leaving The University of Chicago is an especially hilarious scene since cars are NEVER allowed through Hull Gate which is almost always half-closed. Later the twosome are driving southbound on Lake Shore Drive near North Avenue Beach so they apparently drove 8 miles north just to turn around and head back south toward NYC. Admiral Byrd would not be so proud.

Harry ti presento sally watch movie watch. Love note: Richard, I cannot go with you or ever see you again. You must not ask why. Just believe that I love you. Go, my darling, and God bless you. Ilsa. Very good movie. Has Jennifer done a drama movie? Not a love, comedy movie but drama? I would love to see her do that, cause I think she would be good at it. And audrey hepburn's the one you've always wanted to do it with. you, are correct sir. Autumn in new york. Harry ti presento Sally Watch movie page. When Harry Met Sally in undeniably one of the best romantic comedies I have ever seen. I gave this movie a ten because no movie after it has managed to captivate its audience with its humor and honesty since. Meg Ryan is unforgettable as the high maintenace Sally and Billy Crystal (although not very handsome) manages to bring an attractive, insightful character to the screen. This film has a highly talented supporting cast, great music and excellent writing. I saw this movie when I was in seventh grade and loved it. As I have matured through the years the more I realize how true to life this movie is. A definite must see.

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Correspondent: Michael Aiello

Resume: Senior Director - Live Entertainment - Universal Creative @UniversalORL Former Creative Director for @horrornightsORL #Horror #scifi #Comics #Film #Wrestling




ぉ123moviesき When Harry Met Sally... Watch Movie
7.4 stars - Amie

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